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By conducting the HR survey below, you can find out the current status of your organization’s relevant HR documentation. We will analyze your responses and contact you with our observations and potential recommendations for measures to be taken as soon as possible. The survey will take up to a few minutes of your time. Please find more information on our HR services here .

1) Does your company have an occupational safety and health policy?
2) Onko organisaatiossa laadittu ajantasainen työsuojelun toimintaohjelma?
2) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, have you monitored and updated the implementation of your occupational safety and health policy by reviewing its content and objectives at regular intervals or when circumstances change significantly?
3) Does your company have an occupational health care plan?
4) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, has your occupational health plan been reviewed, updated and elaborated annually?
5) Does your company have a policy to decline harassment and inappropriate treatment?
6) Does your company have a personnel and training plan?
7) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, have you monitored and updated the implementation of your personnel and training plan by reviewing its content and objectives at regular intervals or when circumstances change significantly?
8) Does your company have a gender equality plan?
9) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, have you assessed the implementation and conclusions of the previous measures included in your gender equality plan?
11) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, when has the survey on differences in pay been made?
10) Has your company made a survey on differences in pay?
12) Does your company have an equality plan?
13) If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, have the effects of the measures included in your equality plan been monitored and evaluated at regular intervals?
14) Does your company have an email policy?
15) Does your company have an action program on the prevention of substance abuse?
16) If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, does your action program on the prevention of substance abuse include a guideline on drug testing?
17) Does your company have instructions for remote work?
18) Does your company have a work schedule indicating the commencement and end of the employee's regular working hours as well as daily breaks?

Thank you for submitting your answers!

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