On 23 October 2019, the European Parliament approved the so-called whistleblowing directive on the protection of whistleblowers. As a result of the directive, more and more companies shall be liable for introducing a reporting channel as a tool to promote good governance and accountability in the organization. The reporting channel and procedures for internal reporting and follow-up shall be established by 17 December 2021 in companies with at least 250 employees and in all financial companies and companies vulnerable to money laundering or terrorist financing, regardless of the size of the company, and by 17 December 2023 in companies with at least 50-249 employees.
In the whistleblowing system provided by our partner WhistleB to our customers, notifications can be made in the following areas: antitrust, corruption, discrimination, environment, fraud, health and safety, HR and human rights. Reports may include, for example, accounting offenses, internal theft, bribery, disclosure of trade secrets and information leaks, money laundering, securities market offenses, environmental offenses, labor offenses or breaches of ethical guidelines.
The notification channel and the processing of notifications must be the responsibility of an impartial and independent person or entity, such as HR or internal audit, or Legal Folks as an external service provider. The company must appoint a person or unit responsible for the operation of the notification channel.
Our notification channel service includes:
Assisting in the establishment and implementation of the notification channel provided by WhistleB;
Process documentation;
Carrying out a data protection impact assessment;
Conducting co-operation negotiations related to the introduction of the notification channel;
Training of key personnel;
Preparation of documentation related to other reporting channels (e.g. ethical principles and Q&A);
Assistance in receiving, managing and / or investigating notifications received through the notification channel;
Taking action on notifications; and / or
Reporting to the company's senior management
Our assistance may be used for certain actions, or alternatively, the notification channel, with its associated processes, may be outsourced in its entirety to Legal Folks, with the exception of decisions regarding actions.
Through our service:
You will receive a discount on the notification channel provided by our partner WhistleB;
You will have an access to a secure and confidential notification channel where notifications can be made encrypted and password protected;
You ensure that all notices are treated confidentially by persons authorized by the Company;
You will receive the necessary legal assistance and support for the processing of personal data collected in the notification channel, as well as for the investigation and follow-up of notifications; and
You get peace of mind: you are in experienced hands and you can focus better on planning and implementing practical things yourself.
Are you interested?
Please contact hello@legalfolks.fi or Anna directly ( anna.paimela@legalfolks.fi ).